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上海人 or Shanghainese is a project about the financial center of China: Shanghai, and more importantly, about the 26 million inhabitants of this always-moving megalopolis. It is said that there is always something new to discover, from a coffee shop on the corner of a street that replaces another one to another huge mall that no one visits anymore if it wasn't for the restaurants: everything is changing fast. Yet, there is a vibe of tradition and history, a feeling of peace despite all the "kuaidi" (delivery men) racing in the street when you walk in the city center. The old houses and residences and the elders of Shanghai let us glance at how it was a few decades before they disappear in this wish for perfection and modernism.

is a project about Shanghai and its 26 million inhabitants.

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Street photographie

I only know how to approach a place by walking. For what does a street photographer do but walk and watch and wait and talk, and then watch and wait some more, trying to remain confident that the unexpected, the unknown, or the secret heat of the known awaits just around the corner.
Alex Webb


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain